We tend to overlook things which are closer to us. Thats what i realized when i saw SagarUpvan @ churchgate. This place is a storehouse for photographers, nature lovers; ppl who need peace; love to spent time @ sea shore, who love silence, etc,etc... Friday we planned to visit this place about which we had heard lotta things and experienced it when we actually spent nearly 3-4 hours there. It is located just opposite to colaba bus stop behind BPT dockyard, Colaba. I was lil bit reluctant to go there since i dint had my cam wd me but thanx to megz that she had brought her canon along wd her and i could try my hand @ it. Though i love photography but i m more of a galli ka photographer who dont bother much about the focusing, the aperture and composition :O and blah blah blah. Well meguzu taught me lotta things this sunde and now i can spell these words more confidently :P. There were many small insects, different species of two medium sized hens which quack like a duck but are not. They keep on roaming around the garden with their quack quack sound. U wud feel that they might bite u but they wont. There were tiny g
rasshoppers who gave us quite gr8 poses so that we can capture those. There ver quiverring butterflies which dint even give us a single chance to capture their beautiful n delicate wings. There ver fluoroscent colored mosquitoes and bees, there ver snails which had a rounded shell on top of their plasmatic body. There were flars which u wud have neva seen and each of them had a placards next to it which displayed its name which was so difficult to pronounce that we might lock our tounge between our teeth :P. The best experience for me was that i learnt lotta thing and look @ any object closely meaning, have u eva seen tissues on a snail's body? have u eva seen how does a spider actually weaves it web?? Yeah, we saw these things over there. A must must visit place, especially if u bugged up wd ur busy schedule and boring office work, this is a gr8 place to experience the silence of nature. We left from there @ arnd 11 and went to a wild photography exhibition @ ravindra Natya Mandir. Wow! it was! This was the first time i have been to some photography exhibition. Since m a newbie, all those stills captured by Vilas, Kaustubh, Gaurav were very encouraging for me and making my interest in photography a more rigid one. Megz keeps on giving me pointers offline a-w-a online and i keep on trying implementing em. All this diggaj photographer mandali are doing a gr8 job since they do it not only in their personal interest but they have a noble cause behind it. They run an organization names "Jungle lore" which conducts trekking camps, weekend hiking, fort cleaning activities, etc. The fund that is raised from these activities is used for fort maintenance. I dont know exactly what they mean by fort maintenance, but i m really interested to know more about it. The exhibition mainly displayed their best captures from wild life of Ranathambore forest. Deers, Langurs, Tigers, various birds which i dint even knew exists! Butterflies were wow! This exhibition is open to everyone till 13th of september from 11am to 8pm. Moreover, if you wish to register yourself and stay updated with the activities of Jungle lore group, simply fill up a membership form and they will mail u, or give u a call wheneva the next activity is planned. I was curious to talk to one of the photographers. And thanks to Gaurav that he shared with me all this info when i told him, i wud love to write about this exhibition. I m pretty excited about the events these guys organize and appreciate their love towards the nature and our historical monuments. Whenever we go for a trek we crib about the government not doing anything for the renovating the old forts. At the max what we do is we dont loiter place and tell others not to do so. But hats off to Jungle lore team that they have gone one step ahead and showed that, if we wish to do something then we can do it; dont need to wait for others. Gud work guys keep it up. Moreover, when i asked him abt any training for photography, he replied "No formal classes as such, but informally we keep on giving pointers and suggestions". Well it was a gr8 experience overall. Please do visit this exhibition if u are a nature savvy or even if u r nt..

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