baby.. i thought of buying a moon for u,
but i could only bring a twinkling star..
i wished to gift you a rainbow colored butterfly
but i could only bring a white one as it has all colors in it..
i love to see only smile on your face
but i also like to see the tiny tears which roll down your cheeks
when you hug me after our fights..
i would luv to go on a long drive with you..
but i wud prefer walking hand in hand on a lonely beach...
i wish if to be with you 24x7
but i luv the feeling of missing you when i m not with you..
i wish i can fall in luv with you everyday
but to do so, i have to imagine i am not in luv and i cant even think of it...
i thought of writing your name on every breath of mine
but i am afraid i may lose it when i exhale...
baby i luv the feel of my heart when i think of you..
baby i luv u...